The highly popular football rebounder from Goalgetter consists of 5 different functions to train your passing, receiving, first touch, ball control and shot precision. To become a very complete player with a big rebounder, low rebounder, flick up, foot tennis and chip gap.
The order always includes:
- 3 different nets: rebound, chipping target and Goalpong.
- 14 poles
- Straps to outline your Goalpong pitch.
- Including one Goalgetter carry bag.
- Training games to assist you
Goalgetter Alpha games:
With 5 different games you will be able to train different kind of skills.
Flick up
Take distance of 2 meters in front of the big rebound net. Pass the ball towards the net and make sure you catch the ball with your feet before the bounce!
Rebound high
Take a distance of 1 meter in front of the big and pass the ball alternatively with your left and right. Avoid the bounce when you use the big net, and make sure your body positioning is right when you switch using your left and right feet.
The newest game in the world to beat your opponent or to set a record together! Goalpong is made to play two different games.
Try to steal your opponents serve by getting a point!
First player to reach 9 points wins, you always play 3 sets in total. Players lose a point when the ball hit outside of the field, the net on your side or when it hit a pole.
Both players choose one side of the pitch. The ball may bounce once on your side and players are obligated to hit the ball twice, all the time! Then count the amount of times you hit the ball towards eachother.
Rebound low
The same net for Goalpong, just step in front of the net on 1 or 2 meters and pass the ball towards the net. With your best feet or alternatively with left and right to improve both feet!
How to chip
Remove the big rebound net, replace it with the targetnet and start practising your chipping accuracy
Length: 120 cm
Heigth: 140cm
Width: 140 cm